Both the Live on-line and live in-person seminars are conducted over two full days, usually a weekend.

They start at 9am and conclude at around 5:45pm on both the Saturday and the Sunday.

The first day is entirely devoted to the role your mind has in making you gain weight and also an inability to lose weight. The other aspects of the program; the eating plans and the breathing patterns are addressed on the second day. There is also additional information provided about your mind and how to keep it under control!

The seminar is very logical, visual, informative, engaging and entertaining.The concepts are presented in visual story form in order to help you understand and retain the message. Most people are surprised by how quickly the weekend goes, the amount of information shared and how enjoyable and logical they found it to be.

You will be given the opportunity on the Saturday night to apply the tools learned during the day to identify your previous life experiences that are preventing you from achieving your weight loss objective. These tools are tools for life and can/should be used on an on-going basis.

You will find it very helpful to make sure you have private time alone to undertake this exercise. Even if you attend the seminar with a friend or partner, this is something that is best done alone and in private. There is absolutely no need to share this with anyone. In fact, I highly recommend you DO NOT share the details with anyone at all, ever!

There is NO SHARING of personal information at the seminars. If you feel you absolutely must discuss your past experiences with anyone, we provide access to suitably qualified and trained therapists should you feel the need. However, it is worth noting the purpose of the Saturday night homework exercise is to ’empower’ you to be in a position to do this for yourself unaided!

You will be learning how to ‘turn-off’ the stress responses that have caused the problem in the first place. Going forward, you are very likely to experience additional stresses (life is filled with them!). The tools gained at the seminar will help prevent you from falling into the same trap yet again!

Notes and guidelines are provided at the seminar and absolutely no preparation work is required. Most people report feeling horrified at the concept before they start. However, they also generally state that it was one of the best experiences of their life and they feel like a huge weight has been lifted from their shoulders!

The second day of the seminar gives you more information relating to your mind and how it can inadvertently undermine you. The eating plans, and other components of the program are fully explained also. The simple food plan has three separate and distinct components, one of which involves a short term low calorie, very precise eating plan.

Very little prior preparation is required. Everything you will need is readily available from your local supermarket and butcher. There are no exotic or expensive supplements required. Everything about it is simple, precise and easy.

WARNING: Most people are ingrained with the idea that losing weight is all about the food! This is not true! 80% of the content of the Extreme Weight Loss seminar is directly related to ‘The Mind’. Yes, the food and eating plans are important, however the mind aspects of this program are far more important! Without the mind ‘work’ you will only frustrate yourself and fail…yet again! I highly recommend you do not allow yourself to become mentally obsessed with the dietary aspects of this program!

You will have the opportunity to ask questions at various times throughout the seminar. Again, comprehensive hand-outs are provided to help ensure you get the best result possible.

On the Sunday afternoon we do a relaxation session in the form of a ‘guided meditation’. Many people report they have never done anything like that before. The feedback is invariably excellent. Most people absolutely love it and feel it is the perfect way to conclude the seminar. You will have the opportunity to purchase a copy of it for your use in the future, should you choose. It is by no means mandatory.

The relaxation session (guided meditation) can be enjoyed either lying down or sitting in a chair. If you decide to lie down for it, bringing a yoga matt or camping matt would be very helpful. This part of the seminar usually takes around an hour or so to complete.

This is a very unique and multi-faceted approach to permanent, rapid weight-loss. At the seminar you will learn about your mind, how and why it does what it does. You will also be provided with a variety of techniques, both physical and mental, to control the part of your mind that controls your weight. Herein lies the difference between this and every other approach to weight-loss available anywhere in the world today. No other weight-loss solution actively addresses the role of your mind in causing the weight problem in the first instance, nor teaches you effective resolution techniques. You will literally learn how to become your own therapist.

This is the most unique, logical, comprehensive, life changing,
cost effective and thorough 
approach to losing weight available anywhere in the world!

This is the most unique, logical, comprehensive, life changing, cost effective and thorough approach to losing weight available anywhere in the world!

Vanessa & Tony feeling fantastic!

We’re feeling fantastic having lost 32kg combined. We are now in control of our emotions and now being an inspiration to others. We continue to use the tools that James shared at the seminar which help when we’re faced with...Read More

Charlie’s best version of herself!

I attended the conference at the Rex Hotel in Canberra in February 2020 and although I was very sceptical at the beginning, I never thought I could go through such drastic change!!!  This whole process has probably been the most...Read More

Doing it for herself

November 2021, a girlfriend introduced me to – we caught up for a coffee and to my surprise she had done the program – she looked sensational.  On chatting I had said to her how I would love...Read More

OMG… Check Out Amelia!

“Well this is my final check in. I am extremely happy with my results. And so proud of what I have achieved. I had very little confidence in myself being able to reach such goals. But the program has been...Read More

Heather made it to BrisVegas! You can too!

“BrisVegas, we made it!” The power of friendship… and the seminar! Told by Heather: “Andrea, myself and Gabe are so glad that we made the choice to go to your Wangaratta seminar this year. All three of us taking...Read More

40KG in 11 Weeks!

After finishing professional sport 20 years ago, life became busy building a career and raising a family. I heard about the course through friends and decided it was time to drop some kilos. I was still reasonably fit attending...Read More

56KG Gone & Stronger than ever!

“My mental strength is just beyond I could ever have imagined. This year I decided to do something for me so I could be the best version of myself. The weekend of the seminar I was pumped and so excited...Read More

If Phil Can Do It, You Can Too!

Better than ever! “I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone at The journey was fun, tough at times but I pushed through, stayed on the train and now fitter and healthier than I have been...Read More

Margie’s Story

I have lost 46kg, yet I have gained so much more! “I have gained and lost …. I feel very vulnerable sharing my story but if there is someone out there thinking “I would love that to be me” (like...Read More

Elaine is Thrilled!

The weight loss struggle.. Elaine’s story. “I have been overweight and on and off diets most of my life. Some of the diets were successful, for a time, but then the weight would just creep back on and mostly more...Read More

Deanne Looks Stunning!

Broken. Unworthy. Burdened. Unlovable. Before I began this journey I carried around a lot of weight – both the PHYSICAL and the EMOTIONAL kind. I hated myself. Walking into the seminar that day was hard. I felt embarrassed. I felt...Read More

Shane’s no longer the ‘BIG GIRL’

I have been on a life changing journey for the past nine months.  I have lost 64kgs, over 250cm off my body and I was a size 24-26 now I’m fitting into size 12-14 clothes. When I started the More

Cooper’s an extremely happy lad!

Cooper here coming to you from sunny Brisvegas. So glad I made the choice to go to the seminar in January this year. Thanks to James and the team I am now a much happier and 63kg lighter person.  Before...Read More

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