We receive lots of wonderful emails but this one was amazing!
Kerin shared the weight-loss journey she has taken with her husband and how life-changing it was
for both of them to attend one of our iShrink.me seminars.
We’ll let her tell the story…
“Well, having our own business and three little kids, our health always seemed to be on the back
burner. We didn’t even realise how big we had gotten and how much our health was affecting us
until we went on a holiday. A friend took a photo of us together (which is the before photo) and we
were shocked to say the least. We knew some people through friends that had done the seminar
with James and we went straight there after our holiday.
The seminar was mind blowing. James taught us in one weekend what it can take people a lifetime
to learn. Our minds were forever changed walking away from that weekend. The journey of course
had its ups and downs but we just understood it all on a whole new level. Going through it all
together and supporting each other was one of the best parts of it all. Ian has lost 34kgs and I have
lost 31kgs. All up we’ve lost 65kgs between us! Which is a whole person! But what we’ve gained
from the whole process is just paramount. We have more energy and also just a much more positive
outlook on our lives.
This has changed every aspect of our lives for the better and we both tell anyone that will listen to
go see James!
We are very proud of ourselves and so thankful to James and the team.
He’s given our lives back to us. That’s how it feels!”
So good to see you both so happy and healthy!!