In Person - Privacy Statement:


© 2016-2022 James Duncan’s Extreme Weight Loss Program and Pty Ltd

Developed, Designed & Presented

by James Duncan

In this weight loss program, you will learn how to let stuff go.

Why you need to let stuff go, and
we don’t just talk about it, we DO IT!!

In effect, you are learning exactly how to deal with your own emotional baggage quickly,
effectively and painlessly through understanding how your own mind works.

You will be given the keys to your own mind.
This on its own is life changing...

All rights reserved. No part of this presentation, written material and/or concepts provided/acquired may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process, or in any form of a sound and/or visual recording; nor may it be transmitted or otherwise be copied for public or private use, without prior written consent from James Duncan.  This includes verbal dissemination of the contents and concepts of this seminar.

The information presented in the seminar should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice; always consult a medical practitioner. Any application of the information provided is done so at the individuals’ discretion and risk.  Neither James Duncan or anyone associated with James Duncan can be held responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising out of the use, or misuse of the suggestions made and information provided. 

  • I acknowledge and agree the information, materials and/or concepts provided at this seminar are wholly for personal use.  I agree as a condition of attendance at this seminar that all information, material and/or concepts will not be used for professional use and/or financial gain.
  • I declare I will not use or disclose any of the information, materials and/or concepts to anyone in person or via any other means of communication.
  • I also acknowledge all information, materials and/or concepts provided are the sole property of James Duncan, Riverina Hypnotherapy and Pty Ltd.
  • I agree to abide by all conditions of this document.
  • I assume full responsibility for my actions.  I assume full responsibility for my health and wellbeing during and after this seminar.  I have read and agree to the above statements:

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Document name: In Person - Privacy Statement:
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Timestamp Audit
30 May 2022 11:39 am AEDTIn Person - Privacy Statement: Uploaded by James Duncan - [email protected] IP